Monday, March 14, 2016

I ain't never scared

I'm scared of heights. I'm scared of people not liking me. I'm scared of never being loved. Not being good enough. Not being worth it. Not being succesful. Not being a good wife or mother. I'm scared of money, having too much or not having enough. As of right now, scared of not walking with my class at graduation. Scared of not being truly happy. Scared of bugs. Scared of clowns. Scared of falling. But maybe I wouldn't be so scared to fall if I was guarenteed someone being there to catch me. Because what's the point to risk falling if you can't get back up? Sometimes you can't control if you fall or not. That's when it's scary because you don't know who or when someone will step in. I'm afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of being home alone. But I guess that just really means I'm scared that I'm not alone. I'm afraid of what the world has to offer and what it doesn't. I'm afraid of being to vulnerable, but I'm afraid of being too conservative. I'm afraid of being taken advantage of. But, I ain't never scared.


  1. I ain't never scared of sharing my fears. You go Giselle Knowles! Represent!

  2. Too vulnerable, too conservative, taken advantage of.. Those are my fears too.

  3. You said you revealed, but...
